E 41' OF S1/2 LT 3, W 9' OF S1/2 LT 4, BLK 1, ORCHARD PLACE ADD
613 \E 8TH ST
E 41' OF S1/2 LT 3, W 9' OF S1/2 LT 4, BLK 1, ORCHARD PLACE ADD
613 \E 8TH ST
ParcelName/Legal Description
E 41' OF S1/2 LT 3, W 9' OF S1/2 LT 4, BLK 1, ORCHARD PLACE ADD
613 \E 8TH ST
Payment Information
Select which payment(s) you would like to make and click on continue.
Tax Breakdown
Deliquency Dates
1st Half: 05/01/2011
2nd Half: 09/01/2011
Parcel Information Tax Information 
Tax District71Gross Tax Assessed$ 34.40
Levy2.03811000Exemption/Credit$ 1.34
Value$ 1,688Net Tax$ 33.06
Tax Sale(s)   
Tax Information 
Statement Number2010-8378 (RE)
Tax District71
Value$ 1,688
Gross Tax Assessed$ 34.40
Exemption/Credit$ 1.34
Net Tax$ 33.06
Tax Sale(s) 
Year: 2010 Statement: 8378Real Estate Tax 
Net Tax Due$ 33.06 
First Payment$ 0.00Receipt Date 5/2/2011
Second Payment$ 0.00Receipt Date 9/1/2011
Unpaid Tax Due$ 0.00 
Payment Information  
Net Tax Due$ 33.06 
First Payment$ 0.00Receipt Date 5/2/2011
Second Payment$ 0.00Receipt Date 9/1/2011
Unpaid Tax Due$ 0.00 
Receipt date is the business date the payment was posted, not the date received from the taxpayer.
Levy Breakdown close icon
COUNTY (100)0.3900000013.62
BONDS (3400)0.044900001.57
AIRPORT (5315)0.035000001.22
SCH BOND (6232)0.078890002.76
ESU (6913)0.015000000.52
WNCC (7100)0.101620003.55
NPNRD (7300)0.055140001.93
VILLAGE (8632)0.093280003.26
CITYBOND (8732)0.122720004.29
AG SOC (9200)0.009790000.34