E 41' OF S1/2 LT 3, W 9' OF S1/2 LT 4, BLK 1, ORCHARD PLACE ADD
613 \E 8TH ST
E 41' OF S1/2 LT 3, W 9' OF S1/2 LT 4, BLK 1, ORCHARD PLACE ADD
613 \E 8TH ST
ParcelName/Legal Description
E 41' OF S1/2 LT 3, W 9' OF S1/2 LT 4, BLK 1, ORCHARD PLACE ADD
613 \E 8TH ST
Payment Information
Select which payment(s) you would like to make and click on continue.
Deliquency Dates
1st Half: 05/01/2008
2nd Half: 09/01/2008
Parcel Information Tax Information 
Tax District71Gross Tax Assessed$ 28.26
Levy1.99329000Exemption/Credit$ 1.18
Value$ 1,418Net Tax$ 27.08
Tax Sale(s)   
Tax Information 
Statement Number2007-8414 (RE)
Tax District71
Value$ 1,418
Gross Tax Assessed$ 28.26
Exemption/Credit$ 1.18
Net Tax$ 27.08
Tax Sale(s) 
Year: 2007 Statement: 8414Real Estate Tax 
Net Tax Due$ 27.08 
First Payment$ 0.00Receipt Date 6/5/2008
Second Payment$ 0.00Receipt Date 9/2/2008
Unpaid Tax Due$ 0.00 
Payment Information  
Net Tax Due$ 27.08 
First Payment$ 0.00Receipt Date 6/5/2008
Second Payment$ 0.00Receipt Date 9/2/2008
Unpaid Tax Due$ 0.00 
Receipt date is the business date the payment was posted, not the date received from the taxpayer.
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