W1/2 LOTS 7 & 8, BLOCK 30 - O.T. - GORDON CITY
W1/2 LOTS 7 & 8, BLOCK 30 - O.T. - GORDON CITY
ParcelName/Legal Description
W1/2 LOTS 7 & 8, BLOCK 30 - O.T. - GORDON CITY
Payment Information
Select which payment(s) you would like to make and click on continue.
Deliquency Dates
1st Half: 05/01/1998
2nd Half: 09/01/1998
Parcel Information Tax Information 
Tax District5Gross Tax Assessed$ 389.36
Levy2.87815500Exemption/Credit$ 389.36
Value$ 13,528Net Tax$ 0.00
Tax Sale(s)   
Tax Information 
Statement Number1997-308 (RE)
Tax District5
Value$ 13,528
Gross Tax Assessed$ 389.36
Exemption/Credit$ 389.36
Net Tax$ 0.00
Tax Sale(s) 
Year: 1997 Statement: 308Real Estate Tax 
Net Tax Due$ 0.00 
First Payment$ 0.00 
Second Payment$ 0.00 
Unpaid Tax Due$ 0.00 
Payment Information  
Net Tax Due$ 0.00 
First Payment$ 0.00 
Second Payment$ 0.00 
Unpaid Tax Due$ 0.00 
Levy Breakdown close icon