1/32ND OF 1/16TH ROYALTY IN N 1/2 9-13-56
1/32ND OF 1/16TH ROYALTY IN N 1/2 9-13-56
ParcelName/Legal Description
1/32ND OF 1/16TH ROYALTY IN N 1/2 9-13-56
Payment Information
Select which payment(s) you would like to make and click on continue.
Tax Breakdown
Deliquency Dates
1st Half: 05/01/2018
2nd Half: 09/01/2018
Parcel Information Tax Information 
Tax District25Gross Tax Assessed$ 0.84
Levy0.00000000Exemption/Credit$ 0.04
Value$ 50Net Tax$ 0.80
Tax Sale(s)C18-07X0  
Tax Information 
Statement Number2017-1187 (RE)
Tax District25
Value$ 50
Gross Tax Assessed$ 0.84
Exemption/Credit$ 0.04
Net Tax$ 0.80
Tax Sale(s)C18-07X0
Year: 2017 Statement: 1187Real Estate Tax 
Net Tax Due$ 0.80 
First Payment$ 0.40
Second Payment$ 0.40 
Unpaid Tax Due$ 0.80
Payment Information  
Net Tax Due$ 0.80 
First Payment$ 0.40
Second Payment$ 0.40 
Unpaid Tax Due$ 0.80
The following conditions prevent you from paying your taxes online.
  • There is a tax sale on this parcel.
  • Back taxes due on this parcel. Back taxes must be paid first.
  • There is a tax sale on prior year's taxes for this parcel.
Levy Breakdown close icon
COUNTY GENERAL0.427294000.21
KIMBALL #11.040000000.50
KIMBALL RURAL FIRE0.015609000.01
ESU #130.014179000.01
AG SOCIETY0.009296000.00